Below are some ways in which you can keep caring and serving our global community in Boise. We invite you into one of the below options to give our global communities, local opportunities.
One option to consider is to grow and learn more about our global neighbors and God’s heart for them wherever they may be. Jeannie Marie’s book “Across the Street and around the world” is a great one to start with.
Try one of our city’s refugee-owned restaurants and build a new relationship, get exposed to a new culture, and support our communities in a very tangible and relational way!
Run for AIDS victims in India, refugees in our city through ANA, or sex-trafficked women in the Philippines locally by jogging and raising awareness and monies to bring light into darkness!
One of the ways you can serve is by providing help to refugees as they take english or cultural immersion classes upon arrival in Boise. Another way is by being part of a volunteer team once a month to move furniture into the homes of refugees upon their arrival. Click below and learn other ways to serve in our city!
All of the orgs in our city have incredible needs to meet than demand money and manpower. Please consider making a tax deductible gift below to one or all of our partnering organizations at Run the Race!