Our day in motion
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Boise, ID | Saturday, June 10th | 8-11am
Run the Race is a 5 K & 10 K fun-run benefiting and focusing on God's love for global peoples and refugees for only $49.

Run for Refugees and the World
on World Refugee Weekend
Support a global cause, locally. Proceeds benefit refugees & global peoples abroad.
Learn about our city and world as you run, and at the start and finish lines from in-the-trenches organizations and charities who serve their needs.
Get running sponsors to deepen your impact and increase awareness of our world.
Enjoy post-race eats by refugee restaurant owners serving food from all over the world.
Sport cool race-day swag and gain a deeper vision for our world's physical, social, spiritual, and emotional needs through free resources, books, and booths.
The Cause
A lovely 5 K & 10 K fun-run to benefit and bring visibility to God's care for our city's refugees and the peoples in our world.
The Course
The course winds the runners in the vicinity of some of the most diverse and global neighborhoods and businesses in our city.

The Course
Winding its way close to the center of our city's diversity of cuisine, religion, housing, business. Our course begins in beautiful Ann Morrisson park (Old Timer’s shelter) and runs itself parallel to many of our refugee and migrant businesses and establishments meandering down the greenbelt for a turnaround at Orchard Avenue. You may choose a 5K (3.1 mile) or a 10K (6.2 mile) fun run in support of our world and refugees in celebration of World Refugee Weekend.
Order of Events
Friday, June 9th
4-7pm: Run the Race race packets, swag bags, and run numbers available for pick-up
Saturday, June 10th
7:30am - Run the Race @ Ann Morrisson park officially opens for registrants & supporters
7:30am - Global Market and Booths open for attendees
8:00am - Live Music and Introductions & Race Inustructions
8:30am - Run the Race 10K starts | chip time by Pro-Race Timing
8:45am - Run the Race 5K race begins | chip time by Pro-Race Timing
9:00am - Live Music by International Fellowship church choir
10am - first finishers announced + raffle events + sponsor giveaways
10:30am - Race director speech, awards given for men’s and women’s winners; Race Giveaways
10:45am - Final performances and donation auction winners
11:00am - booths; food trucks; and race-day completes